Results for 'Ludovic Prieur Ludo'

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  1.  41
    La production de sens contre les portails de la ce New economy ».Pierangelo Rosati «Hobo» & Ludovic Prieur Ludo - 2000 - Multitudes 2 (2):195-201.
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    Un espace de déconstruction et construction.Ludovic Prieur & Aris Papathéodorou - 2001 - Multitudes 2 (2):86-91.
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    Regards sur Sainte-Sophie : prémices d’une histoire de l’architecture byzantine.Ludovic Bender - 2012 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 105 (1):1-28.
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    Propriété intellectuelle versus « communisme informationnel ».Ludovic Hennebel - 2002 - Actuel Marx 31 (1):79.
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    Social-motor experience and perception-action learning bring efficiency to machines.Ludovic Marin & Ghiles Mostafaoui - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Bréviaire de cinéphilie dissidente: essai.Ludovic Maubreuil - 2009 - Billière: Alexipharmaque.
    "À une époque où la cinéphilie n'est plus qu'une paraphilie parmi les autres, aussi estimable et inoffensive qu'une autre, en un temps où la sédition installée tient lieu d'horizon, il y a sans doute quelque naïveté à prétendre se démarquer de la modernité en se réclamant d'une "cinéphilie dissidente". Pourtant sous l'insurrection permanente, des règles intangibles et des principes incontestables demeurent, qu'il est nécessaire d'enfreindre. Derrière l'équivalence des opinions et la relativité des goûts, de nouvelles hiérarchies se sont bâties, qu'il (...)
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    Le problème des frontières linguistiques.Ludovic Moyersoen - 1960 - Res Publica 2 (1):20-27.
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    The reverse mathematics of non-decreasing subsequences.Ludovic Patey - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (5-6):491-506.
    Every function over the natural numbers has an infinite subdomain on which the function is non-decreasing. Motivated by a question of Dzhafarov and Schweber, we study the reverse mathematics of variants of this statement. It turns out that this statement restricted to computably bounded functions is computationally weak and does not imply the existence of the halting set. On the other hand, we prove that it is not a consequence of Ramsey’s theorem for pairs. This statement can therefore be seen (...)
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    Ideals and Criteria of Personal Continuance.Ludo Peferoen - 1992 - Philosophica 49.
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  10. La croix vivante dans la littérature chrétienne du IIe siècle.J. -M. Prieur - 1999 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 79 (4):435-444.
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    Husserl.Ludovic Robberechts - 1964 - Paris,: Éditions universitaires.
  12.  16
    Jugements du tribunal de la Chaudrie de Pondichery 1766-1817.Ludo Rocher & Jean-Claude Bonnan - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):185.
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  13. Response to Hendricks and Lepore.Ludovic Soutif - 2009 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 250 (4).
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    Interpersonal Coordination and Individual Organization Combined with Shared Phenomenological Experience in Rowing Performance: Two Case Studies.Ludovic Seifert, Julien Lardy, Jérôme Bourbousson, David Adé, Antoine Nordez, Régis Thouvarecq & Jacques Saury - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  15. Evolution at the Origins of Life?Ludo L. J. Schoenmakers, Thomas A. C. Reydon & Andreas Kirschning - 2024 - Life 14 (2).
    The role of evolutionary theory at the origin of life is an extensively debated topic. The origin and early development of life is usually separated into a prebiotic phase and a protocellular phase, ultimately leading to the Last Universal Common Ancestor. Most likely, the Last Universal Common Ancestor was subject to Darwinian evolution, but the question remains to what extent Darwinian evolution applies to the prebiotic and protocellular phases. In this review, we reflect on the current status of evolutionary theory (...)
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    Affordance Realization in Climbing: Learning and Transfer.Ludovic Seifert, Dominic Orth, Bruno Mantel, Jérémie Boulanger, Romain Hérault & Matt Dicks - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Environmental Design Shapes Perceptual-motor Exploration, Learning, and Transfer in Climbing.Ludovic Seifert, Jérémie Boulanger, Dominic Orth & Keith Davids - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  18.  9
    De opdracht. Op Marcuses grafsteen staat: Weitermachen. Voorbij de 'grote weigering'.Ludo Abicht - 2024 - de Uil Van Minerva 37 (1).
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    Filosofie is voor iedereen: inleiding op 2500 jaar denken.Ludo Abicht - 1992 - Leuven: Acco.
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    Goed leven is goed samenleven: inleiding in de ethiek.Ludo Abicht - 1993 - Leuven: Acco.
    Inleiding in geschiedenis en oogmerk van de wijsgerige ethiek.
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    Meaning and Reference in Aristotle’s Concept of the Linguistic Sign.Ludovic Cuypere & Klaas Willems - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (3-4):307-324.
    To Aristotle, spoken words are symbols, not of objects in the world, but of our mental experiences related to these objects. Presently there are two major strands of interpretation of Aristotle’s concept of the linguistic sign. First, there is the structuralist account offered by Coseriu (Geschichte der Sprachphilosophie. Von den Anfängen bis Rousseau, 2003 [1969], pp. 65–108) whose interpretation is reminiscent of the Saussurean sign concept. A second interpretation, offered by Lieb (in: Geckeler (Ed.) Logos Semantikos: Studia Linguistica in Honorem (...)
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    Réparation du préjudice de l'enfant né handicapé.Ludovic Demont & Charlotte Sailly-Di Bella - 2001 - Médecine et Droit 2001 (51):3-8.
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    Acknowledgements.Ludovic Frobert & Michael Drolet - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (2):191-191.
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    Robert Owen and Continental Europe.Ludovic Frobert & Michael Drolet - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (2):175-190.
    ABSTRACT This introduction examines the intellectual, political, economic, and social context to the reception of Robert Owen’s ideas, and Owenism more generally, in Continental Europe. The introduction describes how Owen’s ideas attracted significant interest in the years following the Napoleonic Wars, particularly in France, and discusses how the French reception of his ideas served as a filter and medium through which his ideas were disseminated throughout Continental Europe. The article describes the individual contributions to this special issue and traces the (...)
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    (2 other versions)Interpersonal motor coordination.Ludovic Marin, Johann Issartel & Thierry Chaminade - 2009 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 10 (3):479-504.
    Here, we propose that bidirectionality in implicit motor coordination between humanoid robots and humans could enhance the social competence of human–robot interactions. We first detail some questions pertaining to human–robot interactions, introducing the Uncanny Valley hypothesis. After introducing a framework pertinent for the understanding of natural social interactions, motor resonance, we examine two behaviors derived from this framework: motor coordination, investigated in and informative about human–human interaction, and motor interference, which demonstrate the relevance of the motor resonance framework to describe (...)
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  26. La dimension cosmique de la crucifixion du Christ et de la croix dans la littérature chrétienne ancienne.J. -M. Prieur - 1998 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 78 (2):39-56.
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    Kauṣītakibrāhmaṇa. 2 Vyākhyā of UdayaKausitakibrahmana. 2 Vyakhya of Udaya.Ludo Rocher & E. R. Sreekrishna Sarma - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):527.
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    Note sur les archives d'Ottokar Bonmann:(The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University).Ludovic Viallet - 2007 - Franciscan Studies 65 (1):419-427.
  29.  7
    De haan van Asklepios: pleidooi voor een positief atheïsme.Ludo Abicht - 2010 - Antwerpen: Meulenhoff/Manteau.
    Vlak vóór zijn terechtstelling gaf Sokrates aan zijn leerling Krito de opdracht 'nog een haan te offeren aan Asklepios', de god van de gezondheid. Niet omdat hij door zijn dood van het leven genezen zou zijn, maar omdat een leven in onwaarheid erger zou zijn dan de dood. Maar wat betekent leven in waarheid concreet? Op basis van zijn eigen ervaringen en een intense lectuur van de filosofische klassieken tracht Ludo Abicht die vraag te beantwoorden. Het atheïsme in dit (...)
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  30. Logical Space and the Space of Sight: The Relevance of Wittgenstein's Arguments to Recent Issues in the Philosophy of Mind.Ludovic Soutif - 2008 - Dialogue 47 (3-4):501-536.
    In this article, I show and discuss the relevance of Wittgenstein's arguments as to the spatial structure of sight to recent issues in the philosophy of mind. The first, bearing upon the dimensionality of the manifolds at play in depiction, plays a critical role in Clark's attempt to provide an independent account ofqualiaand of their differentiative properties. The second, pertaining to the properly spatial structure formed by the data of sight, is explicitly appealed to in the debate on the realistic (...)
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    La dialectique matérialiste dans Le Capital.Ludovic Hetzel - 2012 - Actuel Marx 51 (1):118-133.
    The question of the Hegelian heritage within the Marxian dialectic is a classic one that is still an open one, after more than a century of fruitful and various inquiry. In order to tackle the issue from a new perspective, we must first distinguish between, on the one hand, the subjective dialectic, or logic of Marxian thought, which is clearly inherited from Hegel, and, on the other hand, the objective dialectic, or logic of reality itself, which Marx arrived at by (...)
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  32.  49
    The time course of orthographic and phonological code activation in the early phases of visual word recognition.Ludovic Ferrand & Jonathan Grainger - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (2):119-122.
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    Zin en inzicht: een filosofisch uitzicht voor iedereen.Ludo Abicht - 2009 - Leuven: Acco. Edited by H. Opdebeeck & Ludo Abicht.
    Inleidend overzicht van de hoofdstromingen van de westerse filosofie van de presocratici tot heden.
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    Chronique de jurisprudence pénale.Ludovic Demont - 2002 - Médecine et Droit 2002 (55):13-21.
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    L'amitié antique d'après les mœurs populaires et les théories des philosophes.Ludovic Dugas - 1894 - New York: Arno Press.
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    Accélération du changement et temporalité psychique : le glissement de l’autorité institutionnelle vers la (dé)responsabilité individuelle.Gadeau Ludovic - 2015 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 208 (2):125-138.
    Ce travail s’inscrit dans un champ de recherche qui a pour objet les évolutions de la modernité et, ici, les effets de l’accélération du changement (définissant la postmodernité) sur l’économie psychique et les pratiques éducatives et de soin. On rencontre aujourd’hui fréquemment en clinique infanto-juvénile des parents en difficulté pour soutenir une position éducative consistante face à leur enfant. À la fragilité de la posture éducative semble répondre la multiplication des agirs, qu’ils soient du côté de l’enfant ou de celui (...)
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    Elie Halévy's first lectures on the history of European socialism.Ludovic Frobert - 2007 - Journal of the History of Ideas (2):329-353.
    Elie Halévy's later works have made him one of the most renowned French liberal thinkers of the twentieth century. I want to argue, however, that there exists another facet of the man, more republican than liberal, to be found in his pre-Great War papers. Halévy reveals himself as a man with reformist tendencies, concerned with the concrete aspects of freedom, both for individuals and peoples, and therefore holding more qualified views on the project of a political and social control of (...)
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    Dominating the Erdős–Moser theorem in reverse mathematics.Ludovic Patey - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (6):1172-1209.
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    Slow sociology - Et bokessay.Annick Prieur - 2017 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 35 (1):260-267.
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  40. «Si vous ne faites ce qui est à droite comme ce qui est à gauche»: Crucifixion et renversement des attitudes dans la littérature chrétienne ancienne.Jean-Marc Prieur - 2001 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 81 (4):413-424.
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    Editorial: Radical Embodied Cognitive Science of Human Behavior: Skill Acquisition, Expertise and Talent Development.Ludovic Seifert, Keith Davids, Denis Hauw & Marek McGann - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Ancient Genomes Reveal Unexpected Horse Domestication and Management Dynamics.Ludovic Orlando - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (1):1900164.
    The horse was essential to past human societies but became a recreational animal during the twentieth century as the world became increasingly mechanized. As the author reviews here, recent studies of ancient genomes have revisited the understanding of horse domestication, from the very early stages to the most modern developments. They have uncovered several extinct lineages roaming the far ends of Eurasia some 4000 years ago. They have shown that the domestic horse has been significantly reshaped during the last millennium (...)
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  43.  69
    Scientific progress, normative discussions, and the pragmatic account of definitions of life.Ludo L. J. Schoenmakers - 2023 - Synthese 201 (4):1-20.
    Discussions on the status of definitions of life have long been dominated by a position known as definitional pessimism. Per the definitional pessimist, there is no point in trying to define life. This claim is defended in different ways, but one of the shared assumptions of all definitional pessimists is that our attempts to define life are attempts to provide a list of all necessary and sufficient conditions for something to count as alive. In other words, a definition of life (...)
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    Attentional modulation of masked repetition and categorical priming in young and older adults.Ludovic Fabre, Patrick Lemaire & Jonathan Grainger - 2007 - Cognition 105 (3):513-532.
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    The role of different “media diets” on the perception of immigration: Evidence from nine European countries.Ludovic Terren - 2024 - Communications 49 (1):5-26.
    A better understanding of media effects on immigration attitudes is crucial for policy development and innovation. While many studies have focused on immigration discourses or the salience of this issue in print media and broadcast TV, few have looked at how different “media diets” influence immigration attitudes. Using two-wave panel data composed of 14,480 observations (7,240 individuals) from nine EU countries, this article specifically analyses the role of online and social media news consumption as well as media diet diversity on (...)
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    Unsharp particle-wave duality in a photon split-beam experiment.P. Mittelstaedt, A. Prieur & R. Schieder - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (9):891-903.
    In a quantum mechanical two-slit experiment one can observe a single photon simultaneously as particle (measuring the path) and as wave (measuring the interference pattern) if the path and the interference pattern are measured in the sense of unsharp observables. These theoretical predictions are confirmed experimentally by a photon split-beam experiment using a modified Mach—Zehnder interferometer.
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    Ramsey-like theorems and moduli of computation.Ludovic Patey - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (1):72-108.
    Ramsey’s theorem asserts that every k-coloring of $[\omega ]^n$ admits an infinite monochromatic set. Whenever $n \geq 3$, there exists a computable k-coloring of $[\omega ]^n$ whose solutions compute the halting set. On the other hand, for every computable k-coloring of $[\omega ]^2$ and every noncomputable set C, there is an infinite monochromatic set H such that $C \not \leq _T H$. The latter property is known as cone avoidance.In this article, we design a natural class of Ramsey-like theorems encompassing (...)
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  48. Frege, Singularism, and Thinking Episodes.Ludovic Soutif - 2020 - In Jean Philippe Narboux & Denis Perrin, New Essays On Frege’s Logical Investigations. pp. 167-198.
    Logical Investigations (notably, The Thought) is one of the works wherein Frege voices his hostility to psychologism in logic, science, and semantics. Such hostility lies, arguably, behind his threefold conceptual distinction between thought (Gedanke), thinking (Denken), and ideas (Vorstellungen). In this essay I investigate, to begin with, Frege’s motivations for drawing the distinction and keeping thinking episodes (one of the meanings of ‘thoughts’ in English) out of the picture. It turns out, or so I argue, that psychologism threatens, on Frege’s (...)
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    Le Cinema du diable: Jean Epstein and the Ambiguities of Subversion.Ludovic Cortade & Roxanne Lapidus - 2005 - Substance 34 (3):3-16.
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    (1 other version)Chronique de jurisprudence.Ludovic Demont - 2001 - Médecine et Droit 2001 (49):9-15.
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